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Jan 3, 2024

The Future of Corporate E-Learning: 23 Trends for 2024

Looking to elevate your company’s e-learning initiatives? Join us to explore the anticipated trends that promise to reshape the landscape of corporate e-learning.

Corporate Training

Jan 3, 2024

The Future of Corporate E-Learning: 23 Trends for 2024

Looking to elevate your company’s e-learning initiatives? Join us to explore the anticipated trends that promise to reshape the landscape of corporate e-learning.

Corporate Training

Jan 3, 2024

The Future of Corporate E-Learning: 23 Trends for 2024

Looking to elevate your company’s e-learning initiatives? Join us to explore the anticipated trends that promise to reshape the landscape of corporate e-learning.

Corporate Training

Jan 3, 2024

The Future of Corporate E-Learning: 23 Trends for 2024

Looking to elevate your company’s e-learning initiatives? Join us to explore the anticipated trends that promise to reshape the landscape of corporate e-learning.

Corporate Training

Looking to elevate your company’s e-learning initiatives? Join us to explore the anticipated trends that promise to reshape the landscape of corporate e-learning. Discover the transformative shifts and innovative strategies set to redefine how your business can benefit from online learning and employee development.

Strategic trends: What will businesses seek in e-learning?

  1. Cost-Effectiveness and scalability

In response to the turbulence of 2023, many company leaders began paying closer attention to their budgets. This led to a noticeable shift away from relying heavily on physical training setups and costly learning management systems.

Instead, there's a move toward embracing digital tools for training, making things more accessible remotely.

This change isn't just about saving costs; it's a strategic shift that offers more flexibility in how training happens. Cloud-based solutions and versatile software are now the go-to, allowing quick changes based on feedback.

This switch helps companies be more agile and adjust training programs as needed. It's all about using resources smarter and being able to expand training efforts efficiently.

The focus is on creating training experiences that aren't tied down by physical limitations, envisioning a future where e-learning keeps up with the ever-changing needs of businesses.

  1. Learning strategy aligned with business strategy

According to LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Report 2023, Matching learning initiatives with business objectives stands out as a key focus for companies.

This strategic alignment serves as a prime solution to address skill gaps within an organization, all while being mindful of budget considerations.

Aligning your learning goals with the broader business strategy isn’t just a tip for career advancement; it’s a smart move for enhancing professional development.

🔵 At Edtch, we make sure to understand the current state and aspirations of our customers to offer the most efficient e-learning solution to their needs. See for yourself – book an Edtch demo today!

  1. Data-driven e-learning

L&D teams are emphasizing skill development aligned with organizational goals, relying on data-driven methods. This approach, a prominent trend anticipated in 2024, involves meticulously understanding and analyzing organizational objectives.

By delving into available resources and expertise, companies can craft highly effective learning strategies.

This trend not only ensures a more engaging and personalized learning journey but also facilitates businesses in tackling specific skill deficiencies that may impede growth.

“Companies using advanced analytics technologies to collect and analyze individual learning patterns will likely increase this trend in 2024. This data allows firms to continuously improve their e-learning activities by making informed training program effectiveness decisions.”

Draven McConville,

CEO & Founder @ Klipboard

Teams overseeing employee training will require comprehensive analytics integrated into their LMS, with dashboards that offer valuable insights.

🔵 Explore how Edtch has enhanced its reports section to equip you well for 2024.

  1. Continuous learning

Continuous learning remains a fundamental aspect, not just for organizations but also for professionals aiming for comprehensive development. In facy, lifelong learning is pivotal to staying pertinent. Research like the Workplace Learning & Development Trends Report emphasizes this, revealing that 76% of professionals favor organizations that champion continuous learning.

As technology progresses in 2024, the demand for ongoing learning will only intensify.

Tech trends

  1. AI will become accessible and widespread

Fortunately for educators and learners alike, AI is becoming more ubiquitous. We’re entering a transformative phase in e-learning, with technology fostering a more personalized and effective educational environment.

“The common use of advanced AI technology is far from a fictional future idea. Big money has been earmarked to drive ventures of this nature, citing the importance of the ‘human touch’ in education, and I don’t think that’s going to change at all anytime soon.

The big barrier, however, for smaller course providers would be the cost of leveraging this technology for themselves and integrating it into their existing setups.

However, hopefully, as it becomes more widespread, the cost to do so becomes more manageable.”

Lauren Wakeling,

UK Country Manager @ CoursesOnline

  1. AI will advance data-driven e-learning

This technology enhancement promises customized, data-informed e-learning journeys for optimized learning outcomes.

“AI, combined with machine learning, can provide in-depth insights into a learner's behavior, enabling precise knowledge-gap analysis, data-driven performance review, and predictive training models. This opens up possibilities for ultra-personalized e-learning experiences, making AI an indispensable part of future corporate e-learning.”

Dominic Zijlstra,

Founder @ Traverse

  1. Curated video content will reign

Custom video e-learning is booming, highlighting a shift toward tailored video content. This surge shows a rising need for personalized educational videos, signaling their increasing significance in modern learning.

“I am seeing more and more YouTube creators releasing their entire courses on YouTube. I believe e-learning is gradually moving there. It is often gated content with access you can buy from their landing page dedicated to the course.”

Barbara Sawala,

Brand Manager @ Uploadcare

Utilizing existing content in courses is a smart move, avoiding redundancy in educational material.

🔵 Edtch foresaw this trend, offering the feature to embed YouTube videos from the start. With its integrated YouTube search, users easily discover and incorporate pertinent, high-quality videos without creating new content.

Moreover, the future might witness AI taking charge of content curation. AI algorithms can analyze learning patterns, pinpoint gaps, and propose targeted microlearning segments, enhancing efficiency and the impact of microlearning sessions. This automated curation saves time for both learners and administrators by delivering precise content.

  1. AI-led training will replace instructor-led training

AI has the power to revolutionize many aspects of corporate training, including its traditional instructor-led methods. Whether your organization leaned towards in-person training or avoided it because of related costs, be aware of the change that AI will bring to this format.

“I think that what we’re most likely to see in the next year is an increase in virtual AI tutors, implemented to provide personalized teaching to course learners who are in need of greater support rather than simply being left to their own devices. These virtual tutors are not just glorified search engines; they're intuitive guides which can identify an individual’s learning style and learn about what they respond best to. For learners who may start strong but then fall off due to a lack of motivation or simply finding their learning material difficult, having this extra form of support in place could be essential for seeing them through to completion of their studies.”

Lauren Wakeling,

UK Country Manager @ CoursesOnline

  1. VR and AR for immersive learning

Immersive learning, employing AR and VR technologies, offers more than an e-learning course could. It's invites corporate learners to dive into a virtual world that mirrors real workplace and marketplace scenarios. Those companies who can afford the technology will definitely use it more extensively in 2024.

“Especially in the e-learning sector, we are looking at the increased usage of augmented and virtual reality in skills development. It will bring a new edge to the way we absorb information due to the way this technology has the means to have learners immerse themselves in the material. It will use several senses at the same time to help people learn new topics or expand on topics they already know.

This coupled with generative AI content will surely bring an entirely new experience to the forefront of learning and can help those who do not always take well to traditional learning methods. It will make opportunities to learn more interesting and give close to hands-on experience.”

Ben Richardson,

Founder & Director @ Acuity Training

  1. Gamification learning

While gamification isn't new in e-learning, it's evolved significantly, adopted widely, and in the upcoming year, it's poised to take center stage in 2024.

More and more companies are leveraging game elements like badges, rewards, and leaderboards to amplify engagement with their courses.

Gamified training fosters a healthy sense of competition, driving employees to excel at adopting and practicing new skills.

In addition, gamified courses have the power to nurture critical thinking and problem-solving – the soft skills that are especially in demand in the era of information overflow.

Personalized e-learning trends

According to the 2023 Rethink Your Learning Approach report by Deloitte, modern learning is learner-centric, so personalized and integrated approaches are intangible. These methods empower individual to steer their own professional growth.

We at Edtch have identified several trends linked to personalization:

  1. Adaptive learning paths

Learning progress, performance, and preferences are individual, and courses are most effective when they have adaptive learning paths.

In 2024, we can anticipate more personalized training with increased real-time adjustments through advanced algorithms and AI. Employees will access information tailored to their learning preferences and skills, ensuring a suitable pace and format for their development.

"The 'one size fits all' model of learning will give way to more individualized learning paths. AI will play a pivotal role in tracking an individual's unique learning pace, style, and approach, providing personalized learning journeys that improve both learning outcome and user engagement."

Dominic Zijlstra,

Founder @ Traverse

  1. Skill-based training programs

Individualized skill-based training rather than role-based education focuses on an individual's strengths, needs, preferences, and learning challenges, thus promising far-reaching results. Since every individual is unique, a more personalized onboarding experience and customized learning allow for fluid professional development and improves retention.

“Personalized content recommendations will certainly increase in 2024 due to data-driven personalization. Machine learning algorithms can recommend courses, modules, and resources based on an employee's learning history, performance indicators, and career aspirations. This improves learning and helps individuals learn skills and knowledge related to their professional development.”

Draven McConville,

CEO & Founder @ Klipboard

  1. Bridging learning and work tasks

Skill acquisition is the most effective when it implies immediate workplace application. Promoting it will be one of the top priorities in corporate training in 2024. How will this objective be achieved?

For example, software training for employees may contain e-learning modules simulating the actual interface of the features used within the company. This way, employees will learn to navigate through tasks they encounter daily.

Courses can be shaped by the evolving needs of the job, proving to less motivated learners that there is a direct connection between training and their success in day-to-day tasks.


“Just-in-time learning is likely to be more popular, with a shift towards microlearning modules that directly align with the task at hand. AI could provide real-time performance support by offering learning snippets or flashcards relevant to a user's immediate need. This will make corporate learning more directly tied with work, thereby improving job performance.”

Dominic Zijlstra,

Founder @ Traverse

Let’s move on to microlearning, then!

Microlearning trends

Let’s face it: everyone’s attention span has shortened, and in the work environment, people can only get as focused. For this reason, microlearning will be the central trend in 2024 and beyond, allowing businesses to effectively transfer digestible, bite-sized pieces of knowledge to their employees.

Microlearning is a way to execute the adaptive, personalized approach we discussed above. Here are a few ideas:

🔀 Create individual learning paths easily: take one generic course as a basis and enrich it with extra pieces of training specifically selected for each employee based on their skills;

🤏 Offer short courses (or even individual lessons!) tailored to employees’ current tasks;

💬 Instead of a long quiz, send one question on the professional topic per day. Participation and even completion rates may be a lot higher!

  1. Micro-credentials

Micro credentials are bite-sized courses or certifications designed for swift skill acquisition. Tailored to specific competencies, these certifications swiftly bolster expertise in targeted subjects, earning digital badges or certificates upon completion.

In 2024, micro-credentials will gain widespread recognition as valid proof of honed skills. Platforms will collaborate with industry leaders, offering courses aligned with job market demands.

Workplace safety certifications will stay in demand, and short upskill courses is an appropriate format for this kind of training. This is a way for companies to minimize workplace safety breaches and foster a culture of adherence to regulations.

  1. Immersive technology integration

Integrating immersive technologies like AR and VR into microlearning courses offers dynamic and memorable learning experiences. These tools elevate engagement and immersion levels, allowing learners to interact with content in a visually rich and captivating manner.

In addtion, you can incorporate elements of immersive gamification within microlearning modules. This serves to enhance motivation, making the learning process enjoyable while maintaining focus and participation.

  1. Collaborative microlearning

In the workplace, collaboration is key; in microlearning, teamwork shines too!

Imagine your employees taking an online course in a small group of colleagues, discussing tasks in real time, and growing together in these bite-sized learning moments.

This approach creates a sense of a small, friendly community where everyone contributes and learns at the same time – something every newcomer would love to feel at their onboarding!

  1. Mobile-first approach

There's a noticeable shift toward mobile devices taking center stage even in corporate e-learning.

With this surge in popularity, a mobile-centric approach aligns perfectly with the flexibility of microlearning — empowering employees to learn on the go.

Expect a heightened focus on mobile-first design, guaranteeing a seamless and adaptable learning journey across various devices.

Content trends: What will be taught and how?

  1. Emphasis on soft skills

Analytical thinking, creativity, leadership, and attention to detail are the skills companies now value a lot when hiring, as per the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023. These skills foster adaptability, effective communication, and resilience — essential traits for navigating modern work challenges.

The tricky part about soft skills is that they are best learned through actual real-wolrd situations, and hardly any training method can recreate them, apart from microlearning.

A soft skills development program can be broken down into short lessons showing different scenarios of when this particular skill is needed.

🔵 Discover how Edtch suggests to streamline your soft skills training

  1. Cross-Industry learning

Embracing knowledge from diverse industries fosters innovation by offering varied perspectives and unconventional strategies. This emphasis on cross-industry learning is set to persist in the near future.

Looking ahead, as AI potentially alters many manual jobs, professionals must pivot toward cross-industry learning to future-proof their careers. It stands out as a pivotal trend in 2024, encouraging individuals to develop transferable skills such as project management, sustainability, data analysis, and creative thinking.

  1. Inclusivity & accessibility for all

As your business scales, you want your training courses to be accessible and benefit for learners of different backgrounds and abilities.

Inclusivity involves more than language options and diverse learning styles. It encompasses features like audio descriptions, transcripts, and closed captioning. Consider using interactive elements and adaptable interfaces in your e-learning content to cater to varied accessibility preferences and ensuring a truly inclusive learning environment.

Learning management trends

  1. Real-time feedback and assessments

This trend isn't just about quick evaluations; it's about empowering learners with instant insights into their progress, enabling them to adjust their learning pace and style accordingly.

This approach fosters a dynamic learning environment where learners actively engage, understand their strengths and weaknesses on the fly, and ultimately, learn more effectively.

“Effective learning requires real-time feedback. In 2024, real-time evaluation methods that give students immediate feedback will become more popular. This lets individuals assess their comprehension and helps trainers and businesses discover areas for improvement. Fast feedback loops improve learning agility.”

Draven McConville,

CEO & Founder @ Klipboard

  1. Quantitative metrics evolution

As companies are now more budget-concious, e-learning effectiveness analytics will play a more important role in the corporate training system.

We’re witnessing a shift from basic completion rates to more nuanced qualitative metrics like learner feedback and sentiment analysis.

This evolution emphasizes the importance of understanding the qualitative impact of learning interventions, aiming for more effective training programs beyond just numerical data.

  1. Data privacy and security regulations

E-learning teams will face heightened pressure to comply with stringent regulations and fortify cybersecurity measures to shield sensitive student information.

Additionally, learners will seek greater autonomy over their data, emphasizing the need for transparent practices in data usage and sharing to foster trust among students and parents.

🔵 Consider choosing a reliable LMS provider, such as Edtch, to ensure that your invaluable employee data remains in good hands, fully compliant with current regulations.

Stay on top of the corporate e-learning trends with Edtch

Innovate your company’s e-learning journey with Edtch, bridging knowledge gaps, one trend at a time. Explore our cutting-edge solutions to shape the future of your organization's learning landscape.

Ready to get started delivering high-impact training with Konstantly?

Speak with a member of our team today.

Ready to get started delivering high-impact training with Konstantly?

Speak with a member of our team today.

All processes for your corporate training in one tool

— Learning management

Manage mandatory and optional training enrollment, control the results with reports and statistics.

— Learning management

Manage mandatory and optional training enrollment, control the results with reports and statistics.

— Courses authoring

Create interactive training courses with quizzes, tests, expert and peer-graded assessments right in your browser.

— Courses authoring

Create interactive training courses with quizzes, tests, expert and peer-graded assessments right in your browser.

Ready to get started delivering high-impact training with Konstantly?

Speak with a member of our team today.

All processes for your corporate training in one tool

— Learning management

Manage mandatory and optional training enrollment, control the results with reports and statistics.

— Learning management

Manage mandatory and optional training enrollment, control the results with reports and statistics.

— Courses authoring

Create interactive training courses with quizzes, tests, expert and peer-graded assessments right in your browser.

— Courses authoring

Create interactive training courses with quizzes, tests, expert and peer-graded assessments right in your browser.